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Creates a new host to process events from an Event Hub.
Name of the processor host. MUST BE UNIQUE.
Strongly recommend including a Guid or a prefix with a guid to ensure uniqueness. You can use
; Default: js-host-${uuid()}
Provides the consumer group name for the Event processor host.
Provides the host name for the Event processor host.
Provides a list of partitions the EPH is currently receiving messages from.
The EPH will try to grab leases for more partitions during each scan that happens once every (configured) lease renew seconds. The number of EPH instances that are being run simultaneously to receive messages from the same consumer group within an event hub also influences the number of partitions that this instance of EPH is actively receiving messages from.
Provides the eventhub runtime information.
Provides an array of partitionIds.
Provides information about the specified partition.
Partition ID for which partition information is required.
Starts the event processor host, fetching the list of partitions, and attempting to grab leases For each successful lease, it will get the details from the blob and start a receiver at the point where it left off previously.
Stops the EventProcessorHost from processing messages.
Creates an EventProcessorHost instance from AAD token credentials.
Name of the processor host. MUST BE UNIQUE.
Strongly recommend including a Guid or a prefix with a guid to ensure uniqueness. You can use
; Default: js-host-${uuid()}
Connection string to Azure Storage account used for
leases and checkpointing. Example DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=
Azure Storage container name for use by built-in lease and checkpoint manager.
Fully qualified domain name for Event Hubs. Example: "{your-sb-namespace}"
The name of the EventHub.
The AAD Token credentials. It can be one of the following: ApplicationTokenCredentials | UserTokenCredentials | DeviceTokenCredentials | MSITokenCredentials.
Creates an EventProcessorHost instance from AAD token credentials with the given checkpoint manager and lease manager.
Name of the processor host. MUST BE UNIQUE.
Strongly recommend including a Guid or a prefix with a guid to ensure uniqueness. You can use
; Default: js-host-${uuid()}
Fully qualified domain name for Event Hubs. Example: "{your-sb-namespace}"
The name of the EventHub.
The AAD Token credentials. It can be one of the following: ApplicationTokenCredentials | UserTokenCredentials | DeviceTokenCredentials | MSITokenCredentials.
A manager to manage checkpoints.
A manager to manage leases.
Creates an EventProcessorHost instance from the EventHub connection string.
Name of the processor host. MUST BE UNIQUE.
Strongly recommend including a Guid or a prefix with a guid to ensure uniqueness. You can use
; Default: js-host-${uuid()}
Connection string to Azure Storage account used for
leases and checkpointing. Example DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=
Azure Storage container name for use by built-in lease and checkpoint manager.
Connection string for the Event Hub to receive from. Example: 'Endpoint=sb://; SharedAccessKeyName=my-SA-name;SharedAccessKey=my-SA-key'
Creates an EventProcessorHost instance from the EventHub connection string with the provided checkpoint manager and lease manager.
Name of the processor host. MUST BE UNIQUE.
Strongly recommend including a Guid or a prefix with a guid to ensure uniqueness. You can use
; Default: js-host-${uuid()}
Connection string for the Event Hub to receive from. Example: 'Endpoint=sb://; SharedAccessKeyName=my-SA-name;SharedAccessKey=my-SA-key'
A manager to manage checkpoints.
A manager to manage leases.
Creates an EventProcessorHost instance from the IotHub connection string.
Name of the processor host. MUST BE UNIQUE.
Strongly recommend including a Guid or a prefix with a guid to ensure uniqueness. You can use
; Default: js-host-${uuid()}
Connection string to Azure Storage account used for
leases and checkpointing. Example DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=
Azure Storage container name for use by built-in lease and checkpoint manager.
Connection string for the IotHub. Example: 'Endpoint=iot-host-name;SharedAccessKeyName=my-SA-name;SharedAccessKey=my-SA-key'
Creates an EventProcessorHost instance from the IotHub connection string with the given checkpoint manager and lease manager.
Name of the processor host. MUST BE UNIQUE.
Strongly recommend including a Guid or a prefix with a guid to ensure uniqueness. You can use
; Default: js-host-${uuid()}
Connection string for the IotHub. Example: 'Endpoint=iot-host-name;SharedAccessKeyName=my-SA-name;SharedAccessKey=my-SA-key'
A manager to manage checkpoints.
A manager to manage leases.
Creates an EventProcessorHost instance from a TokenProvider.
Name of the processor host. MUST BE UNIQUE.
Strongly recommend including a Guid or a prefix with a guid to ensure uniqueness. You can use
; Default: js-host-${uuid()}
Connection string to Azure Storage account used for
leases and checkpointing. Example DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=
Azure Storage container name for use by built-in lease and checkpoint manager.
Fully qualified domain name for Event Hubs. Example: "{your-sb-namespace}"
The name of the EventHub.
Your token provider that implements the TokenProvider interface.
Creates an EventProcessorHost instance from a TokenProvider with the provided checkpoint manager and lease manager.
Name of the processor host. MUST BE UNIQUE.
Strongly recommend including a Guid or a prefix with a guid to ensure uniqueness. You can use
; Default: js-host-${uuid()}
Fully qualified domain name for Event Hubs. Example: "{your-sb-namespace}"
The name of the EventHub.
Your token provider that implements the TokenProvider interface.
A manager to manage checkpoints.
A manager to manage leases.
Convenience method for generating unique host name.
A unique host name
Generated using TypeDoc
Describes the Event Processor Host to process events from an EventHub.