▼NAzure | |
▼NStorage | |
▼NBlobs | |
►NModels | |
CAbortBlobCopyFromUriResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::AbortCopyFromUri |
CAccessTier | Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the blob |
CAccountInfo | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::GetAccountInfo |
CAccountKind | Identifies the account kind |
CAcquireLeaseResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobLeaseClient::Acquire |
CAnalyticsLogging | Azure Analytics Logging settings |
CAppendBlockFromUriResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::AppendBlobClient::AppendBlockFromUri |
CAppendBlockResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::AppendBlobClient::AppendBlock |
CArchiveStatus | For blob storage LRS accounts, valid values are rehydrate-pending-to-hot/rehydrate-pending-to-cool. If the blob is being rehydrated and is not complete then this value indicates that rehydrate is pending and also tells the destination tier |
CBlobBlock | Represents a single block in a block blob. It describes the block's ID and size |
CBlobContainerAccessPolicy | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::GetAccessPolicy |
CBlobContainerItem | An Azure Storage container |
CBlobContainerItemDetails | Properties of a container |
CBlobContainerProperties | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::GetProperties |
CBlobCopySourceTagsMode | Optional, default 'replace'. Indicates if source tags should be copied or replaced with the tags specified by x-ms-tags |
CBlobHttpHeaders | Standard HTTP properties supported by containers and blobs |
CBlobImmutabilityPolicy | Immutability policy associated with the blob |
CBlobImmutabilityPolicyMode | Specifies the immutability policy mode to set on the blob |
CBlobItem | An Azure Storage blob |
CBlobItemDetails | Properties of a blob |
CBlobProperties | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::GetProperties |
CBlobQueryArrowField | Groups settings regarding specific field of an arrow schema |
CBlobQueryArrowFieldType | Type of blob query arrow field |
CBlobServiceProperties | Storage Service Properties |
CBlobType | Type of the blob |
CBlockListType | Specifies whether to return the list of committed blocks, the list of uncommitted blocks, or both lists together |
CBlockType | Extensible enum used to specify how the service should look for a block ID |
CBreakLeaseResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobLeaseClient::Break |
CChangeLeaseResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobLeaseClient::Change |
CClearPagesResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::ClearPages |
CCommitBlockListResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::CommitBlockList |
CCopyBlobFromUriResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::CopyFromUri |
CCopyStatus | Status of the copy operation |
CCorsRule | CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain. Web browsers implement a security restriction known as same-origin policy that prevents a web page from calling APIs in a different domain; CORS provides a secure way to allow one domain (the origin domain) to call APIs in another domain |
CCreateAppendBlobResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::AppendBlobClient::Create |
CCreateBlobContainerResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::Create |
CCreateBlobSnapshotResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::CreateSnapshot |
CCreatePageBlobResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::Create |
CDeleteBlobContainerResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::Delete |
CDeleteBlobImmutabilityPolicyResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::DeleteImmutabilityPolicy |
CDeleteBlobResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::Delete |
CDeleteSnapshotsOption | Required if the blob has associated snapshots. Specify one of the following two options: include: Delete the base blob and all of its snapshots. only: Delete only the blob's snapshots and not the blob itself |
CDownloadBlobDetails | Detailed information of the downloaded blob |
CDownloadBlobResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::Download |
CDownloadBlobToResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::DownloadTo |
CEncryptionAlgorithmType | The algorithm used to produce the encryption key hash. Currently, the only accepted value is "AES256". Must be provided if the x-ms-encryption-key header is provided |
CGeoReplication | Geo-Replication information for the Secondary Storage Service |
CGeoReplicationStatus | The status of the secondary location |
CGetBlockListResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::GetBlockList |
CLeaseDurationType | When a blob is leased, specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration |
CLeaseState | The current lease state of the blob |
CLeaseStatus | The current lease status of the blob |
CMetrics | A summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for blobs |
CObjectReplicationPolicy | Contains object replication policy ID and the respective list of Azure::Storage::Blobs::Models::ObjectReplicationRule s. This is used when retrieving the object replication properties on the source blob |
CObjectReplicationRule | Contains the object replication rule ID and replication status of a blob |
CObjectReplicationStatus | The replication status of blob with the given policy and rule identifiers |
CPublicAccessType | Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access |
CQueryBlobResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::Query |
CRehydratePriority | Optional: Indicates the priority with which to rehydrate an archived blob |
CReleaseLeaseResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobLeaseClient::Release |
CRenewLeaseResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobLeaseClient::Renew |
CResizePageBlobResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::Resize |
CRetentionPolicy | The retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist |
CScheduleBlobExpiryOriginType | Required. Indicates mode of the expiry time |
CSealAppendBlobResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::AppendBlobClient::Seal |
CSequenceNumberAction | Required if the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header is set for the request. This property applies to page blobs only. This property indicates how the service should modify the blob's sequence number |
CServiceStatistics | Stats for the storage service |
CSetBlobAccessTierResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetAccessTier |
CSetBlobContainerAccessPolicyResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::SetAccessPolicy |
CSetBlobContainerMetadataResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::SetMetadata |
CSetBlobExpiryResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetExpiry |
CSetBlobHttpHeadersResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetHttpHeaders |
CSetBlobImmutabilityPolicyResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetImmutabilityPolicy |
CSetBlobLegalHoldResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetLegalHold |
CSetBlobMetadataResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetMetadata |
CSetBlobTagsResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetTags |
CSetServicePropertiesResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::SetProperties |
CSignedIdentifier | Signed identifier |
CSkuName | Identifies the sku name of the account |
CStageBlockFromUriResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::StageBlockFromUri |
CStageBlockResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::StageBlock |
CStaticWebsite | The properties that enable an account to host a static website |
CSubmitBlobBatchResult | Response type for BlobClient::SubmitBatch |
CTaggedBlobItem | Blob info from a Filter Blobs API call |
CUndeleteBlobResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::Undelete |
CUpdateSequenceNumberResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::UpdateSequenceNumber |
CUploadBlockBlobFromUriResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::UploadFromUri |
CUploadBlockBlobResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::Upload |
CUploadPagesFromUriResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::UploadPagesFromUri |
CUploadPagesResult | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::UploadPages |
CUserDelegationKey | A user delegation key |
CAbortBlobCopyFromUriOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::AbortCopyFromUri |
CAcquireLeaseOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobLeaseClient::Acquire |
CAppendBlobAccessConditions | Specifies access conditions for an append blob |
CAppendBlobClient | The AppendBlobClient allows you to manipulate Azure Storage append blobs |
CAppendBlockFromUriOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::AppendBlobClient::AppendBlockFromUri |
CAppendBlockOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::AppendBlobClient::AppendBlock |
CBlobAccessConditions | Specifies access conditions for a blob |
CBlobAudience | Audiences available for blob service |
CBlobClient | The BlobClient allows you to manipulate Azure Storage blobs |
CBlobClientOptions | Client options used to initialize all kinds of blob clients |
CBlobContainerAccessConditions | Specifies access conditions for a container |
CBlobContainerBatch | A batch object allows you to batch multiple operations in a single request via Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::SubmitBatch |
CBlobContainerClient | |
CBlobLeaseClient | BlobLeaseClient allows you to manipulate Azure Storage leases on containers and blobs |
CBlobQueryError | Blob Query Error |
CBlobQueryInputTextOptions | Blob Query text configuration for input |
CBlobQueryOutputTextOptions | Blob Query text configuration for output |
CBlobServiceBatch | A batch object allows you to batch multiple operations in a single request via Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::SubmitBatch |
CBlobServiceClient | |
CBlockBlobClient | The BlockBlobClient allows you to manipulate Azure Storage block blobs |
CBreakLeaseOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobLeaseClient::Break |
CChangeLeaseOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobLeaseClient::Change |
CClearPagesOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::ClearPages |
CCommitBlockListOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::CommitBlockList |
CCopyBlobFromUriOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::CopyFromUri |
CCreateAppendBlobOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::AppendBlobClient::Create |
CCreateBlobContainerOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::Create |
CCreateBlobSnapshotOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::CreateSnapshot |
CCreatePageBlobOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::Create |
CDeleteBlobContainerOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::Delete |
CDeleteBlobImmutabilityPolicyOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::DeleteImmutabilityPolicy |
CDeleteBlobOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::Delete |
CDownloadBlobOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::Download |
CDownloadBlobToOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::DownloadTo |
CEncryptionKey | Wrapper for an encryption key to be used with client provided key server-side encryption |
CFindBlobsByTagsOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::FindBlobsByTags |
CFindBlobsByTagsPagedResponse | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::FindBlobsByTags |
CGetAccountInfoOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::GetAccountInfo |
CGetBlobContainerAccessPolicyOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::GetAccessPolicy |
CGetBlobContainerPropertiesOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::GetProperties |
CGetBlobPropertiesOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::GetProperties |
CGetBlobServiceStatisticsOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::GetStatistics |
CGetBlobTagsOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::GetTags |
CGetBlockListOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::GetBlockList |
CGetPageRangesDiffPagedResponse | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::GetPageRangesDiff and Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::GetManagedDiskPageRangesDiff |
CGetPageRangesOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::GetPageRanges |
CGetPageRangesPagedResponse | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::GetPageRanges |
CGetServicePropertiesOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::GetProperties |
CGetUserDelegationKeyOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::GetUserDelegationKey |
CLeaseBlobAccessConditions | Specifies access conditions for blob lease operations |
CListBlobContainersOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::ListBlobContainers |
CListBlobContainersPagedResponse | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::ListBlobContainers |
CListBlobsByHierarchyPagedResponse | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::ListBlobsByHierarchy |
CListBlobsOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::ListBlobs and Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::ListBlobsByHierarchy |
CListBlobsPagedResponse | Response type for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::ListBlobs |
CPageBlobAccessConditions | Specifies access conditions for a page blob |
CPageBlobClient | |
CQueryBlobOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::Query |
CReleaseLeaseOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobLeaseClient::Release |
CRenameBlobContainerOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::RenameBlobContainer |
CRenewLeaseOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobLeaseClient::Renew |
CResizePageBlobOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::Resize |
CSealAppendBlobOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::AppendBlobClient::Seal |
CSetBlobAccessTierOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetAccessTier |
CSetBlobContainerAccessPolicyOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::SetAccessPolicy |
CSetBlobContainerMetadataOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient::SetMetadata |
CSetBlobHttpHeadersOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetHttpHeaders |
CSetBlobImmutabilityPolicyOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetImmutabilityPolicy |
CSetBlobLegalHoldOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetLegalHold |
CSetBlobMetadataOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetMetadata |
CSetBlobTagsOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::SetTags |
CSetServicePropertiesOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::SetProperties |
CStageBlockFromUriOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::StageBlockFromUri |
CStageBlockOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::StageBlock |
CStartBlobCopyFromUriOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::StartCopyFromUri |
CStartBlobCopyIncrementalOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::StartCopyIncremental |
CStartBlobCopyOperation | A long-running operation to copy a blob |
CSubmitBlobBatchOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::SubmitBatch |
CTagAccessConditions | Specifies HTTP options for conditional requests based on tags |
CUndeleteBlobContainerOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::UndeleteBlobContainer |
CUndeleteBlobOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobClient::Undelete |
CUpdatePageBlobSequenceNumberOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::UpdateSequenceNumber |
CUploadBlockBlobFromOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::UploadFrom |
CUploadBlockBlobFromUriOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::UploadFromUri |
CUploadBlockBlobOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlockBlobClient::Upload |
CUploadPagesFromUriOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::UploadPagesFromUri |
CUploadPagesOptions | Optional parameters for Azure::Storage::Blobs::PageBlobClient::UploadPages |
▼NSas | |
CBlobSasBuilder | BlobSasBuilder is used to generate a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Storage container or blob |
CDeferredResponse | Base type for a deferred response |