Class UpdateMessageResult


public final class UpdateMessageResult extends Object
Response from the service when updating a message. Contains the information needed to continue working with the specific message.
  • Constructor Details

    • UpdateMessageResult

      public UpdateMessageResult(String popReceipt, OffsetDateTime timeNextVisible)
      Creates an instance of updated message information.
      popReceipt - Unique identifier that verifies the operation on a message is valid
      timeNextVisible - The next time the message will be visible to other operations in the queue
  • Method Details

    • getPopReceipt

      public String getPopReceipt()
      Get the unique identifier used to verify that the operation is allowed on the message.
      the unique identifier used to verify that the operation is allowed on the message
    • getTimeNextVisible

      public OffsetDateTime getTimeNextVisible()
      Get the next time the message will be visible to other operations in the queue.
      the next time the message will be visible to other operations in the queue