All Classes
All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AccessPolicy An Access policy.ArrayMap<K,V> Mock ArrayMap implementation for testing on non android host.DoNotRecord Annotation given to some tests to indicate that network calls made during the test shouldn't be recorded.HttpBinFormDataJSON Maps to the JSON return values from HttpBinFormDataJSON.PizzaSize HttpBinHeaders Defines headers for operations.HttpBinJSON Maps to the JSON return values from Generic test suite forHttpClients
.HttpClientTestsWireMockServer WireMock server used when runningHttpClientTests
.InterceptorManager A class that keeps track of network calls by either reading the data from an existing test session record or recording the network calls in memory.Log Mock Log implementation that writes to the console when testing on non android host.MockHttpClient This HttpClient attempts to mimic the behavior of without ever making a network call.MockHttpResponse An HTTP response that is created to simulate a HTTP request.MyRestException A test exception.NetworkCallError This class represents a caught throwable during a network call.NetworkCallRecord Keeps track of network call records from each unit test session.NoOpHttpClient An HttpClient instance that returns statusCode 200 with empty/no content.Pair<F,S> Mock Pair implementation for testing on non android host.PlaybackClient HTTP client that plays backNetworkCallRecords
.RecordedData Keeps track of the network calls and variable names that were made in a test session.RecordingRedactor This class used to redact the sensitive information when recordingRecordNetworkCallPolicy HTTP Pipeline policy that keeps track of each HTTP request and response that flows through the pipeline.ResourceNamer A random string generator used in tests.RestProxyTests RestProxyTestsWireMockServer The WireMockServer for REST proxy tests.SignedIdentifierInner signed identifier.SignedIdentifiersWrapper Slide Slideshow TestBase Base class for running live and playback tests usingInterceptorManager
.TestContextManager This class handles managing context about a test, such as custom testing annotations and verifying whether the test is capable of running.TestMode The possible testing modes.TestResourceNamer Provides random string names.